Journal of Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology <p>Journal Of Civil Engineering And Infrastructure Technology is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes original and high-quality research papers in all areas of civil engineering. As an important academic exchange platform, scientists and researchers can know the most up-to-date academic trends and seek valuable primary sources for reference.</p> Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Tunas Pembangunan Surakarta en-US Journal of Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology 2964-6251 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH STUDY OF STRUCTURAL LIGHT WEIGHT CONCRETE WITH CANE GRASS ASH, PUMICE SAND, AND STONE ASH UTILIZATION <p><em>In this modern era, the development of civil engineering has progressed very rapidly and intensively the development of existing infrastructure in Indonesia. As construction work increases, the need for concrete continues to increase, research in the field of concrete continues to be carried out. Therefore, concrete innovation is required to answer challenges, is environmentally friendly and low weight. Along with the limitations of lightweight concrete properties, therefore this study used bagasse ash, pumice sand and rock ash. The method used is experimental. This study made 2 variations of mix design using pumice levels of 50% and 60% as many as 8 pieces per variation with a test age of 7, 14, 21, and 28 days. The optimum yield that can be obtained from bagasse ash and rock ash is 10% of the total cementitious and 20% of the volume of fine aggregate. The compressive strength produced by the BR-50% mix design variation aged 7, 14, 21 and 28 days is 30.25 MPa, 27.71 MPa, 33.44 MPa and 36.31 MPa aged 28 days. While the compressive strength produced by the BR-60% mix design variation is 31.21 MPa, 29.62 MPa, 35.67 MPa, and 38.22. The cost needed to make a variation of BR-60% is Rp. 784,573 while the cost of conventional concrete is Rp. 835,363 so that the difference between the price of conventional concrete and innovative concrete is Rp. 49,991.</em></p> Yanuar Setya Yudhatama Dian Arumningsih Kusdiman Joko Priyanto Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology 2024-06-17 2024-06-17 3 1 1 8 10.36728/jceit.v3i1.3509 UNSIGNALED INTERCEPTIONS PERFORMANCE EVALUATION AT THE JETAK GONDANGREJO INTERCEPTION OF KARANGANYAR DISTRICT <p><em>Unsignaled Interchange At Jetak Interchange, Gondangrejo, Karanganyar Regency is a commercial area so that it has complete traffic and fast traffic growth rates. From this, this study aims to determine the </em><em>evaluation of intersection performance which includes intersection capacity, degree of saturation, intersection delay, queue opportunities, and service level. The study was conducted with field surveys for two days, namely : Saturday and Monday consisting of preliminary surveys, geometric surveys, and traffic flow surveys. </em><em>This observation is based on primary data, namely data taken directly in the field and then processed with reference to MKJI 1997. </em><em>For the calculation parameter of the intersection performance evaluation, peak hours per day are selected and then calculated according to MKJI 1997. From the calculation of the performance of the intersection in existing conditions, suboptimal results were obtained with a capacity of 2500.19smp/hour, DS 1.10, delay of intersection 26sec/smp, category C (medium), chance of queuing 49-98% during peak hours Saturday, during peak hours Monday capacity 3427.05smp/hour, DS 0.91, delay intersection 16sec/smp, category C (medium), chance of queuing 33-66%. The solution is to reduce side obstacles and widen major roads and minor roads. Interchange performance after repair obtained a capacity value of 2635.96smp/hour, DS 1.05, intersection delay 21sec/smp, category C (medium), queue chance 44-87% during peak hours Saturday, Monday peak hours capacity 3632.95smp/hour, DS 0.86, intersection delay 14sec/smp, category B (good), queue chance 30-59%.</em></p> Nathanael Danu Gracia Sumina Dian Arumningsih D P Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology 2024-06-18 2024-06-18 3 1 9 18 10.36728/jceit.v3i1.3542 MATERIAL AND IRON WASTE CALCULATIONS ANALYSIS USING THE BAR BENDING SCHEDULE METHOD ON THE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT MANGESTI RAHAYU HOSPITAL <p><em>Construction of Mangesti Rahayu Hospital located on Jl. Adi Sumarmo, Colomadu, Karanganyar.&nbsp; Pthere is a construction process, the use of materials by construction workers in the field can cause residual material. The remaining material is not from the point of view of efficiency, but also affects the environment, so efforts to minimize the remaining material are important to be applied by construction actors. Bar Bending Schedule method is a method used in the analysis of iron calculations to optimize the use of iron materials. The results of the analysis used the Bar Bending Schedule method of Foundation Work type FP 1 BJTD D13 weighing 1,712.47 kg, BJTD D16 weighing 3,030.41 kg.&nbsp; Foundation type FP 2 BJTD D13 weighing 513.72 kg, BJTD D16 weighing 1,000.03 kg, BJTP D10 weighing 92.34 kg.&nbsp; Column work type K1 BJTD D16 weighing 9,302.2 kg and BJTP D10 weighing 5,307.52 kg.&nbsp; Type K1' is BJTD D16 weighing 2,708.08 kg and BJTP D10 weighing 1,058.1 kg. Type K2 BJTD D16 weighs 5,355.76 kg and BJTP D10 weighs 3,007.26 kg.&nbsp; Type K3 BJTD D16 weighs 101.48 kg and BJTP D10 weighs 40.84 kg.&nbsp; Type K3' BJTD D16 weighs 173.34 kg and BJTP D10 weighs 92.78 kg.&nbsp; The KL Edge BJTD D16 weighs 1,598.94 kg and the BJTP D10 weighs 799.21 kg. The Central KL BJTD D16 weighs 999,342 kg and the BJTP D10 weighs 456,693 kg. Type KP BJTP D10 weighs 5,158 kg and BJTP D8 weighs 3,010 kg. Persentase of the remaining reinforcing iron material by 0.65%</em></p> Rahmat Wahyu Abadi Herman Susila Gunarso Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology 2024-06-16 2024-06-16 3 1 19 27 10.36728/jceit.v3i1.3543 TIME AND OPTIMIZATION ACCELERATION OF COSTS IN CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS USING THE CPM METHOD (CRITICAL PATH METHOD) <p><em>A housing and settlement building project (residential construction), is a housing or settlement development project based on development stages that are simultaneous with the provision of supporting infrastructure. Construction projects have obstacles, including delays in work implementation times and cost overruns. The aim of this research is to analyze the optimal and efficient time duration for housing construction projects using the CPM (Critical Path Method) method. This research uses the Critical Path Method (CPM). The data in this research comes from the work schedule (time schedule) and budget plan made by the management of the Griya Sejahtera Colomadu 2 Housing Development. The data collected was analyzed using the CPM method and then searched for critical work paths/trajectories using a work network. (network planning), after obtaining the maximum time limit, the next job will be accelerated using the Critical Path Method (CPM). Then, for the cost optimization analysis in this research, the acceleration method was used with the alternative of additional labor. Based on the research results, it was found that the Griya Sejahtera Colomadu 2 Housing Development project experienced delays in work implementation times and cost overruns, namely with a total duration of 242 working days, and the normal duration of critical work was 190 working days. The results of the acceleration calculation with the alternative of additional labor have a total duration of 152 days and have a total labor wage cost of IDR 46,993,580.88.</em></p> Muhammad Lutfi Fahrul Arifin Gatot Nursetyo Teguh Yuono Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology 2024-06-19 2024-06-19 3 1 28 37 10.36728/jceit.v3i1.3544 IRRIGATION WATER NEEDS ANALYSIS IN THE TRANI IRRIGATION AREA <p><em>The Trani Irrigation Area is one of the weirs in Central Java Province, specifically in Sukoharjo Regency and Karanganyar Regency. Along with population growth, land use changes to residential areas. So it is necessary to analyze irrigation water needs in the Trani Irrigation Area. The aim of this research is to determine the number of physical infrastructure/building assets in the irrigation network, to determine the area of the Trani Irrigation Area, to determine the maximum amount of irrigation water requirements and minimum irrigation water requirements in the Trani Irrigation Area using manual calculations (KP-01 method ). From the research results, the results obtained include that Trani Dam has a total of 237 physical infrastructure building assets. Most of the physical infrastructure is in good condition and can still function well . The results obtained for the area of the Trani Irrigation Area are 1486.7 Ha using the help of Google Earth. The maximum irrigation water requirement for rice plants was obtained at 5.99 m <sup>3 </sup>/second in the first period and in the second period in December . The minimum water requirement for rice plants was obtained at 2.16 m <sup>3 </sup>/second, namely in the first period in February . Meanwhile, for calculating the maximum irrigation water requirement for secondary crops occurs in the second period of July, namely 4.32 m <sup>3 </sup>/second and the minimum irrigation water requirement for secondary crops occurs in the second period of October, namely 0.82 m <sup>3 </sup>/second</em></p> Rio Susanto Erni Mulyandari RA Dinasty Purnomoasri Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 3 1 38 44 10.36728/jceit.v3i1.3545 STEEL PROFILES REDESIGN IN THE CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT LABORATORY BUILDING PORTAL FRAME SYSTEM, BANYUWANGI STATE POLYTECHNIC <p><em>Laboratorium pada umumnya digunakan untuk kegiatan percobaan, pengukuran, perkuliahan, penelitian atau riset ilmiah. Untuk menunjang kegiatan perkuliahan, Jurusan Teknik Sipil Politeknik Negeri Banyuwangi telah membangun gedung Laboratorium Teknologi Rekayasa Jalan dan Jembatan pada tahun 2021. Sistem struktur bangunan laboratorium berupa portal frame menggunakan material baja profil IWF. Tahap perencanaan dimensi kolom utama yang digunakan yaitu profil IWF sedangkan kuda- kuda rafter menggunakan IWF 150.75.5,5.9,5. Kendala yang terjadi saat tahap pelaksanaan konstruksi yaitu ketersediaan bahan baja profil di lokasi pekerjaan. Kontraktor mengajukan perubahan disain profil IWF untuk elemn kolom dan kuda- kuda sesuai ketersediaan baja profil dipasaran. Tujuan re- disain baja profil untuk mengetahui keamanan dan kehandalan struktur bangunan terhadap beban kerja. Metode yang digunakan adalah pemodelan menggunakan aplikasi komputer. Perancangan baja profil didasarkan pada SNI 03-2847-2002 dan SNI 03-1726- 2012 Tata Cara Perancangan Ketahanan Gempa Untuk Bangunan Gedung. Hasil analisis yaitu tegangan tekan kolom (s<sub>x</sub>) sebesar 360,69 kg/cm<sup>2 </sup>dan (s<sub>y</sub>) sebesar 2.392,16 kg/cm<sup>2</sup>. Nilai tersebut lebih kecil dari tegangan ijin sebesar 2.500 kg/cm<sup>2</sup>. Nilai lendutan profil baja untuk elemen kuda- kuda sebesar 2,39 cm. Kondisi ini memenuhi lendutan ijin sebesar 2,83 cm. Profil baja IWF 200.100.5,5.8 dan IWF mempunyai kekuatan yang cukup dan dapat digunakan sebagai material struktur</em></p> Dadang Dwi Pranowo Enny Widawati Anthon deFretes Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology 2024-06-21 2024-06-21 3 1 45 52 10.36728/jceit.v3i1.3546 PDAM WAY RILAU DRINKING WATER DISTRIBUTION NETWORK TECHNICAL PERFORMANCE EVALUATION WITH EPANET 2.2 <p>Percentage of drinking water accessability is indicator for measuring the fulfillment of sustainable drinking water needs. PDAM Way Rilau is provider of drinking water need in East Teluk Betung which serve 335 house connection, equivalent to 1.340 people (only 2,48% of the population). For increasing this percentage to ensure sustainable drinking water access, Consumer-level evaluation is needed to assess aspects that need improvement, especially in technical terms regarding the drinking water distribution network. The results of this evaluation can be used as a basis for developing access to drinking water services. This research aims to assess the technical performance of the PDAM Way Rilau distribution network and formulate alternative solutions for technical parameters such as flow rate, flow speed, and pressure that do not meet technical criteria. Based on a survey of 57% of respondents, it was found that the water distribution is not functioning well. An evaluation conducted using the Epanet 2.2 numerical model showed that at peak hours, several points have negative flow rates, pressures below 10 m, and speeds below 0.3 m/s. The chosen alternative to address these issues is to change the pipe dimensions and install valves at several junctions</p> Indri Rahmandhani Fitriana Mashuri Made Arya Dwipayana Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology 2024-06-22 2024-06-22 3 1 53 58 10.36728/jceit.v3i1.3691 THE EFFECT OF ADDING STEEL FIBER ON THE WORKABILITY AND DENSITY OF GEOPOLYMER CONCRETE MIXTURE <p>Geopolymer concrete has decent strength, but it is still lower compared to conventional concrete. One way to improve the strength of geopolymer concrete is by adding reinforcing fibers. The fibers used should be suitable for the environmental conditions and economical. One fiber that can be used to enhance the strength of concrete is steel fiber. The addition of steel fiber to concrete can increase its density but may decrease the slump value, which can affect the workability of the concrete. In BGP 1%, the increase from 0% fiber content reaches 3.2%, and in BGP 2%, it reaches the maximum density of 2405.73 kg/m3 with the addition of fiber to geopolymer concrete. From the results, it can be observed that as the density of geopolymer concrete increases, the slump value tends to decrease.</p> Muhammad Vahlefi M. Pratika Riris Putrianti Agustinus Agus Setiawan Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology 2024-06-24 2024-06-24 3 1 59 66 10.36728/jceit.v3i1.3728 DESIGN OF DORMITORY STRUCTURE WITH STEEL SPECIAL MOMENT FRAMES <p>Colomadu District is one of the districts located in Karanganyar Regency, Central Java Province. It is projected that the economy in this area will grow through business sectors such as goods and services, tourism, and industry, thus the construction of a Dormitory Building is planned in the area. Considering its proximity to Yogyakarta Province, which frequently experiences earthquakes, earthquake-resistant buildings are necessary to reduce the risk of casualties and material losses. Therefore, the design of this building utilizes a Special Moment Resisting Frame (SRPMK) system. The building with SRPMK is designed with the concept of SCWC (Strong Column and Weak Beam), where the column elements are stronger than the beam elements. This design aims to create a structural system that can withstand seismic forces, in accordance with SNI 2847:2019 requirements. Seismic force loading is analyzed using the response spectrum method, and the structural calculations are performed using ETABS V9.7.4 software. From the planning results, the dimensions obtained include a Bondek floor slab thickness of 130 mm, beam dimensions B1A 150x400 mm, B2A 200x400 mm, B2B 200x400 mm, B2C 200x400 mm, B2D 200x400 mm, B2E 200x400 mm, B3A 200x500 mm, B3B 200x500 mm, B4A 300x150 mm, B5A 300x150 mm, BS 150x300 mm, and column dimensions KP 150x150 mm, K1A 200x300 mm, K2A 400x550 mm, K3A 450x650 mm, and K4 350x500 mm.</p> Rasyiid Lathiif Amhudo Dwi Prasetyo Utomo Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 3 1 67 76 10.36728/jceit.v3i1.3753