THE INFLUENCE OF TRAINING METHODS AND LEG MUSCLE POWER ON BADMINTON JUMPING SMASH SKILLS (Experimental Study Using Circuit and Plyometric Methods in Badminton Performance Development at Tunas Pembangunan University Surakarta 2023)

  • Aji Winata Utama Universitas Tunas Pembangunan Surakarta (UTP)
  • Nuruddin Priya Budi Santoso Universitas Tunas Pembangunan Surakarta (UTP)
  • Joko Sulistiyono Universitas Tunas Pembangunan Surakarta (UTP)
Keywords: Plyometric Training Method, Circuit Training Method, Badminton Leg Muscle Power


This research aims to determine: (1) The difference in influence between plyometric and circuit training methods on jumping smash ability in badminton. (2) Differences in jumping smash ability in badminton between students who have high, medium and low leg muscle strength. (3) The effect of the interaction between training methods and leg muscle power on jumping smash ability and jumping smash accuracy in badminton. This research uses an experimental method with a 2 x 2 factorial design. The population in this research is male students from the Badminton Achievement Development Faculty of the Teaching and Education Faculty, Tunas Pembangunan University, Surakarta, totaling 40 students. The sampling technique used was purposive random sampling, the sample size taken was 30 students. The data analysis technique in this research uses ANOVA. Before testing with ANOVA, first use the prerequisite data analysis test with the sample normality test (Lilliefors test with ? = 0.05%) and homogeneity of variance test (Bartlett's test with ? = 0.05%). Based on the research results, it can be concluded as follows: 1. There is an influence between plyometric training and circuit training on badminton jumping smash skills. The effect of plyometric training is better than circuit training in improving badminton jumping smash results with Fcount 6.5041>4.11. 2. There is an influence on badminton jumping smash skills between students who have high leg muscle power and those with low leg muscle power. Badminton jumping smash for students who have high leg muscle power is better than students who have low leg muscle power with Fcount 7.8699>4.11. 3. There is an interaction between training method and
leg muscle power on badminton jumping smash with Fcount 9.3659>4.11. The suggestions in this research are as follows: 1. Students who have high leg muscle power are more suited to being given plyometric exercises. 2. Students who have low leg muscle power are more suited to circuit training.


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How to Cite
Aji Winata Utama, Nuruddin Priya Budi Santoso, & Joko Sulistiyono. (2022). THE INFLUENCE OF TRAINING METHODS AND LEG MUSCLE POWER ON BADMINTON JUMPING SMASH SKILLS (Experimental Study Using Circuit and Plyometric Methods in Badminton Performance Development at Tunas Pembangunan University Surakarta 2023). Journal Of Indonesia Sport Education and Adapted Physical Education (JISEAPE), 3(2), 42-49.

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