Journal of Rural and Urban Community Studies <p align="justify"><strong>The Journal of Rural and Urban Community Studies (JRUCS)</strong> serves as a platform for scholars, academics, and students to disseminate their research findings and perspectives across various disciplines. Released biannually in <strong>February</strong> and <strong>August</strong>, <strong>JRUCS</strong> covers a wide range of topics including the socioeconomic impacts of agribusiness on rural and urban communities, sustainable agriculture practices, entrepreneurship in agribusiness, technological advancements in agriculture, policy interventions, social innovations, market linkages, community development, rural and urban sociology dynamics, and strategies for sustainable agriculture extension. Through its diverse coverage, <strong>JRUCS</strong> aims to address the challenges and opportunities arising from rural-urban interactions while promoting sustainable community development in the agricultural sector.</p> Agribusiness Department, Agriculture Faculty, Tunas Pembangunan University, Surakarta, Indonesia en-US Journal of Rural and Urban Community Studies 3025-5090 The Influence of Electronic Word of Mouth, Social Media, and Lifestyle on Purchasing Decisions on Gembong Gedhe’s Bread in Surakarta City <p><em>Many things</em> <em>can influence consumers before making a purchase at </em><em>the kingpin bakery Gedhe </em><em>,</em> <em>including electronic word of mouth, social media, and lifestyle. Study</em> <em>This aims to determine the influence of electronic word of mouth and media</em> <em>social, and lifestyle on purchasing decisions at the </em><em>Roti Gembong Gedhe shop </em><em>by</em> <em>students in Surakarta City.</em> <em>The research method is descriptive and analytical. Data used data</em> <em>primary and secondary data. The research sample is 100 respondents with a population</em> <em>students in Surakarta City. The analytical method used is analysis</em> <em>multiple linear regression.</em> <em>The research results show the characteristics of the most respondents</em> <em>is a woman </em><em>amounting to 64% </em><em>, with the majority of income amounting to </em><em>not enough from </em><em>IDR 1,500,000 </em><em>per month </em><em>. The majority of respondents made purchases at the </em><em>Gembong Gedhe bakery</em> <em>1 </em><em>time </em><em>by 32% </em><em>and </em><em>There are 15% </em><em>who actively follow </em><em>Roti Gembong Gedhe's Instagram </em><em>. </em><em>A total of 91% </em><em>of respondents are also actively involved in reading reviews and comments</em> <em>online with an intensity of 1-3 times a day. Results of multiple linear regression analysis</em> <em>shows that the three independent variables are electronic word of mouth,</em> <em>social media and lifestyle together have a </em><em>very real influence </em><em>on</em> <em>purchasing decisions at the Gembong </em><em>Gedhe Bakery </em><em>partially </em><em>there are 2 </em><em>independent variables that have a </em><em>very real influence </em><em>on purchasing decisions at the </em><em>Gembong Gedhe bakery that are Social media variables (x2) and Lifestyle variables (x3) </em><em>.</em> <em>The suggestion from this research is that </em><em>Roti Gembong Gedhe </em><em>prioritizes </em><em>it’s social media </em><em>, so you can develop the Gembong </em><em>Gedhe bread account from various platforms</em> <em>in </em><em>line </em><em>with societal trends </em><em>. Gembong </em><em>Gedhe bakery </em><em>can also </em><em>develop customized products &nbsp;with the lifestyle of consumers which targeted by the Gembong Gedhe bakery </em><em>. It is hoped that further research can expand the area</em> <em>research and expanding research objects</em></p> Ahmad Shuwaifi suswadi Agung Prasetyo Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Rural and Urban Community Studies 2024-02-19 2024-02-19 2 1 1 8 10.36728/jrucs.v2i1.3337 Analysis of Organic Rice Farming (Oryza sativa) in Gentungan Village, Mojogedang Subdistrict, Karanganyar Regency <p>Sektor pertanian merupakan sektor yang mempunyai peranan strategis dalam struktur pembangunan perekonomian nasional. Padi (<em>Oryza sativa</em>) merupakan tanaman pangan yang sangat penting di dunia setelah gandum dan jagung, karena beras masih digunakan sebagai makanan pokok sebagian besar penduduk dunia terutama Asia. Beras merupakan komoditas strategis di Indonesia yang mempunyai pengaruh besar terhadap kestabilan ekonomi dan politik. Pertanian organik merupakan kegiatan bercocok tanam ramah lingkungan dengan meminimalkan dampak negative bagi alam sekitar yaitu menggunakan varietas lokal, pupuk, dan pestisida organik dengan tujuan untuk menjaga kelestarian lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : 1) Besarnya biaya dan keuntungan usahatani padi organik. 2) Pengaruh faktor produksi terhadap&nbsp; produksi usahatani padi organik. 3) Tingkat efisiensi penggunaan faktor produksi pada usahatani padi organik.</p> <p>Metode penentuan lokasi penelitian dilakukan secara sengaja atau <em>porposive sampling</em>. Metode penentuan sample petani dilakukan secara <em>simple random sampling.</em> Analisis data menggunakan analisis fungsi produksi <em>Cobb – Douglas</em>. Analisis biaya dan analisis NMPx/Px.</p> <p>Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan : 1) Pendapatan usahatani padi organik dalam satu kali musim tanam dengan luas lahan sebesar 0,18 Ha sebesar Rp 3.333.367/UT/MT atau Rp 18.333.519/Ha/MT, dan asumsi harga padi organik pada saat penelitian tersebut sebesar Rp 6800/Kg, dengan total penerimaan pada usahatani padi organik adalah sebesar Rp 6.858.933/UT/MT atau Rp 37.724.132/Ha/MT, dan total biaya usahatani sebesar Rp 3.525.566/ Ha/MT atau Rp 19.390.613/Ha/MT.2) Faktor produksi benih berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap produksi padi organik, sedangkan faktor produksi pupuk kandang berpengaruh tidak nyata terhadap produksi padi organik, sedangkan faktor produksi pestisida nabati dan tenaga kerja berpengaruh nyata terhadap produksi padi organik. 3) Faktor produksi benih dan pestisida nabati masih belum efisien, sedangkan pupuk kandang dan tenaga kerja tidak efisien.</p> Mahananto Mahananto Kusriani Prasetyowati Sutarwoto Copyright (c) 2024-02-19 2024-02-19 2 1 9 14 10.36728/jrucs.v2i1.3264 The Role of Youth in Enhancing Community Economic Welfare through the Development of Tourism Villages(A Study at the Pleseran Camp Earth Tourism in Nglurah Village, Tawangmangu, Karanganyar Regency) <p>Youth is part of a group of people who cannot be separated from all social problems. The youth of Nglurah Village, Tawangmangu District, have a very important and much-needed role in developing human resources in the community. So that the participation of the youth becomes a valuable resource for the progress of the village.The focus of this research is 1) What is the role of youth in improving the community's economy?, 2) How is the impact obtained by youth?, 3) What are the supporting and inhibiting factors for youth in developing Pleseran Camping Grounds?. 1) The aim of this research is to know the role of young youth in improving the community's economy. 2) Knowing the impact that the youth has with the existence of a tourist village. 3) Knowing what are the supporting and inhibiting factors for youth in developing the Ngelurah Tawangmangu Camping Ground Tourism Village The research approach used is a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection techniques interview, observation and documentation. Source of data using primary data and secondary data. From the results of the study, it can be seen that village youth have increased the economy of BUPER tourist destinations by managing their participation, which has been carried out since the inception of the tourism village, in this case it can make youth a source of income. The impact obtained was very helpful and able to change economic conditions which were getting better. Supporting and inhibiting factors These supporting factors include: 1) Enthusiasm, 2) Unemployment Factor, 3) Community Factor, 4) Attraction of Nglurah Tawangmangu Tourism Village. And the inhibiting factors are: 1) The role of youth has not been fully utilized and 2) the lack of support from various parties</p> Elsa Masda Marlena, Trio Handoko Achmad Choerudin Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Rural and Urban Community Studies 2024-02-19 2024-02-19 2 1 15 21 10.36728/jrucs.v2i1.3279 Onion Varieties (Allium Ascalonicum L.) Test With Application Of Several Kinds Microbia Consortium Its Influence On Growth and Yield <p>Shallots are one of the horticultural commodities that Indonesian people need. The use of bacterial consortia in shallot cultivation is expected to be useful for increasing soil fertility due to soil biochemical processes. This research aims to determine the effect of applying a microbial consortium from several products to the growth and yield of several shallot varieties. This research was carried out using a Split Plot Design with a split plot method which consists of two factors, namely: 1. Red onion variety, (V1: local rubber variety; V2: white local variety; V3: local Javanese varieties), 2. Types of decomposing plants (microbial consortium), : (P0: Control; P1: M21; P2: EM4; P3: Beka Decomposer). The research results showed: (1) The variety test showed very significant plant height, number of leaves, fresh stover weight, dry stover weight, tuber diameter, fresh tuber weight per bunch, tuber dry weight per bunch, and tuber dry weight per plot. However, there was no real difference between the number of bulbs per plant and the number of bulbs per plot. (2) The combination of microbial consortia with shallot varieties showed significantly different results regarding the number of leaves and bulb diameter. However, there were no real differences in plant height, fresh stover weight, dry stover weight, number of tubers per plant, number of tubers per plot, fresh weight of tubers per bunch, dry weight of tubers per bunch and dry weight of tubers per bunch. (3) The research results showed that the highest yield was obtained from the combination of V2P1 with the treatment of local white varieties of shallots and the application of the M21 microbial consortium with an average value of 150.27 g/plot (16,905 kg/ha or 16.9 tons/ha).</p> Tyas Soemarah Koernia Dewi Agus Budiyono Teguh Supriyadi Endang Suprapti Herdyanto Putro siti mardhika sari Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Rural and Urban Community Studies 2024-02-19 2024-02-19 2 1 22 30 10.36728/jrucs.v2i1.3296 Consumer Satisfaction Regarding Anthurium Ornamental Plants (A case study conducted in Nglurah Village, Tawangmangu District, Karanganya Regency) <p>Ornamental plants encompass a wide array of plant species cultivated for their aesthetic beauty, resulting in diverse variations. Anthurium, known for its varied leaf patterns, presents an advantage in facilitating the creation of new hybrids. This study aims to identify and examine the characteristics of Anthurium ornamental plant consumers and analyze their satisfaction levels in Dusun Nglurah, Tawangmangu District, Karanganyar Regency. Employing a qualitative research method, this study utilized accidental sampling for data collection, incorporating both primary and secondary data sources through questionnaires and interviews. Findings reveal that the highest percentage of consumer satisfaction with Anthurium ornamental plants falls within the 20-30 age group (31%), predominantly comprising high school graduates (69%) employed as shop assistants, private sector employees, civil servants, farmers, or banking professionals (40%). Furthermore, 73% of consumers visit ornamental plant centers, with 67% citing plant variety as their primary purchase motivation. The majority of consumers (72%) purchase fewer than three plants, preferring a maximum price range of 0-5 million Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) (85%). Anthurium is the preferred plant species among consumers (53%), typically displayed in pots (WS = 0.84). Attributes such as rarity, uniqueness, variety, and price of the plants also scored a WS value of 0.84. Overall consumer satisfaction with Anthurium ornamental plants at the Ornamental Plant Center falls within the "satisfied" category, with a CSI value of 83.80%.</p> Feri Setiawan Mahananto Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Rural and Urban Community Studies 2024-02-19 2024-02-19 2 1 31 38 10.36728/jrucs.v2i1.3356