The possible Innovation in Teaching and Learning Anatomy

  • Yuliana Universitas Udayana


The ways and tools of teaching and learning are improving greatly after the COVID-19 pandemic. This progress includes the anatomy teaching and learning process. Some innovations that have been developed lately are by using web-based learning, virtual classroom, virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality for dissection (anatomy studio), alternate reality, 3D printing, high-fidelity simulation, human-computer interface in immersion/haptic technology, tutorial from social media, artificial intelligence/humanoid robots, and 3D stereoscopy. Those technologies have their strength and weakness compared with learning anatomy by cadavers. The strength is the process of learning and teaching can be done virtually without any border of places and time. It is very useful during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the technologies and the tools need a lot of maintenance and updates which need some funding and effort. Sometimes, there might be inequality in accessing the technologies due to financial problems. Cadaveric dissection enables students to feel the real-time consistency of the human body, including the size and feeling for the early surgical skill experiences. Newer technology can be used as an add-on during the process. In conclusion, the possibility of implementing innovation in teaching and learning anatomy is very vast. One method might complement each other for better comprehensive learning and teaching.

Keywords: anatomy, learning, teaching, technology 

How to Cite
Yuliana. (2023). The possible Innovation in Teaching and Learning Anatomy. Journal of Smart System, 3(2), 20-25.