Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Arsitektur
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tunas Pembangunan Surakartaen-USJurnal Teknik Sipil dan Arsitektur2807-9418ANALISIS KONDISI JALAN BERDASARKAN NILAI IRI (INTERNATIONAL ROUGNESS INDEX) (Studi Kasus: JL IR H Juanda – JL Anoa Kabupaten Tegal)
<p>Jalan merupakan infrastruktur bidang transportasi yang digunakan sebagai prasarana lalu lintas, semakin bagus kondisi jalan pada suatu wilayah maka dapat dikatakan wilayah tersebut mempunyai tingkat kesejahteraan yang tinggi namun kurangnya informasi dan data base kondisi jalan menjadikan beberapa ruas jalan yang rusak tidak dilakukan penanganan lebih lanjut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan penilaian kondisi jalan dimana nilai kondisi jalan ini nantinya dijadikan acuan untuk menentukan jenis program evaluasi yang harus dilakukan, apakah itu program peningkatan, pemeliharaan berkala atau pemeliharaan rutin. Manfaat yang akan didapat pada penelitian ini adalah dapat digunakan sebagai bahan acuan bagi pemerintah dan pihak pengelola jalan dalam melakukan penanganan kerusakan jalan dan juga dapat dijadikan sebagai kajian transportasi terkait kerusakan jalan bagi para pembaca. Penulis melakukan analisis kondisi jalan menggunakan mobil hawkeye 2000 milik PKTJ Tegal pada ruas jalan Ir H Juanda sampai ruas jalan Anoa sebesar 2,67 km didapatkan rata rata IRI sebesar 3,21% dengan panjang jalan dalam kategori baik sebesar 1990 pada jalur selatan ke utara dan rata rata IRI sebesar 2,5% dengan Panjang jalan dalam kategori baik sebesar 1890 meter. Rekomendasi penanganan yang tepat berdasarkan nilai IRI adalah dilakukan pemeliharaan secara rutin dan berkala yang sesuai denga umur teknis jalan agar tidak terjadi kerusakan yang parah yang menyebabkan biaya penanganan akan semakin besar</p>Zania Septiani PutriFiarentina BerlianindyaTaufik RamadhanDawam FahrizaSuprapto Hadi
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2025-01-272025-01-273011810.36728/jtsa.v30i1.3878PAVING BLOK K-200 UNTUK AREA PARKIR MOBIL RECYCLE LIMBAH PAVING LAMA
<p><em>Students use private vehicles with the aim of making it easier to mobilize from their residence to the University Campus environment. This influences the intensity of motorists in the university area to be high, so quality road infrastructure is needed so that students can drive comfortably and safely. One way to develop quality road infrastructure is by installing paving blocks. Generally, apart from installation on university roads, paving blocks are installed on sidewalks, pedestrians, parking areas, even in hotel and factory areas. Apart from roads, parking areas also need to be planned using paving. The ease of installation and costs required are considered cheaper and meet the aesthetic aspect because they have various shapes, making the use of paving blocks increasingly popular. The use of paving blocks as road pavement and parking areas is also needed in the Tunas Pembangunan Surakarata University environment. The conventional method of making paving blocks is done using a block tool with a compaction load that affects the energy of the person doing the work. The materials used in making paving blocks are Portland Cement, sand (old/paving waste), and water. In this research, 6 samples were made, with a ratio of 1:3. After 14 days, a press test of the paving was carried out and it was discovered that the new paving (recycled) had </em><em>a</em><em> strength </em><em>of more than</em><em> K-200 </em><em>,</em><em> so it could be used for roads and parking in the UTP Surakarta campus area..</em></p> <p><strong>Keyword: </strong><em>recycle paving, pressure test, old paving, K-200, parking</em></p>Teguh YuonoTri HartantoGatot NursetyoAl Ibra Alif Widiyanto
Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Arsitektur
<p><em>Delays in project work can be anticipated by accelerating its implementation, but must still pay attention to cost and quality factors. The delay will certainly have an impact on increasing costs, so that additional costs incurred must be optimized so that they can be minimized and still pay attention to quality standards. The implementation of the construction of the Brondong House - Lamongan includes the construction of a two-story building using the Lamongan Regency APBD. Completion of the construction is expected to be completed on time with an implementation time of 150 (one hundred and fifty) calendar days or 3 months. This study aims to analyze the time and cost of the project using the crashing method with the addition of labor, the overlapping method, and a combined method between crashing with the addition of labor and overlapping, with the aim of analyzing the most optimal time and cost using the crashing, overlapping, and overlapping, crashing alternatives. The data needed in this study are in the form of S-curve data and time schedules, weekly project reports, Budget Plans (RAB). Then a discussion is carried out to determine the time and cost due to acceleration with the addition of labor, overlapping, and a combination of overlapping crashing. The acceleration calculation of the three alternatives can be concluded that the optimal time and cost due to acceleration is by using the combined method of crashing, adding labor and overlapping, obtaining a cost reduction of Rp. 291,484,666.67 from the total normal work cost of Rp. 25,313,105,854.21 to Rp. 25,021,621,187.54 or down 1.152% from the total normal work cost with a reduction in work duration of 49 days from the normal duration of 150 days to 101 days.</em></p>Muhammad Wahyu Suryadi SuryadiAntonius AntoniusKartono Wibowo
Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Arsitektur
<p>The relationship between water quantity and water quality status in the framework of water resources management was complex and likely to be site-specific, thus the cause-effect relationships between pollutant sources (affluents) and water quality condition remain unclear. The primary principle of Low Impact Development (LID) concept design is to detain and/or hold stormwater for as long as possible and to limit stormwater pollution before it enters major waterbodies. LID methods aim to preserve as much water on-site as feasible while also protecting water quality through the use of natural landscape elements. We also highlighted the results of preliminary data to design for the implementation of LID. The water quantity and water quality status relationship in the framework of water resources management was complex and likely to be site-specific, therefore the cause-effect relationships between pollutant sources (affluents) and water quality condition still need to be clearly quantified. The core concept of Low Impact Development (LID) is to detain and/or retain stormwater as long as possible and to reduce the stormwater runoff pollutions before flowing into main waterbodies. LID components seek to keep water onsite as much as possible and protect water quality using landscape natural features. Therefore, the main objective of this paper was to offer the opportunities of applying LID components in urban area. We also summarized the performances of LID components including the improvement of water quality from previous studies.</p>StefanusRobby Yussac Tallar
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2025-01-272025-01-27301253110.36728/jtsa.v30i1.2841NORMALISASI LANSKAP KORIDOR SUNGAI MATI CITARUM DENGAN ANALISIS HIDROLOGI (Studi Kasus: Desa Rancamanyar, Kabupaten Bandung)
<p><em>The Citarum River is the main river in West Java and serves ecological, economic, and hydrological functions. Unfortunately, the river basin, which is located near residential and industrial areas such as households, agriculture, livestock, and textile industries, has been heavily impacted by pollution. The causes of this pollution include factory waste, sedimentation, garbage accumulation, riverbank clearing, and a lack of public awareness. Efforts to manage the river basin have involved straightening the river body to reduce pollutant accumulation, but this has led to the creation of old river bodies known as dead rivers or oxbows. Oxbows face problems such as waterlogging, poor sanitation, unauthorized land acquisition, and social conflicts. A study was conducted to identify hydrological problems in the oxbow landscape, particularly in Rancamanyar, Baleendah, Bandung Regency. The study used a combination of qualitative data obtained through observation and interviews, as well as quantitative data from rainfall, flow rate, and oxbow storage. Analysis of the data was carried out using descriptive methods, formulas, and software. The study found that the flow entering the oxbow and the level of rainfall affect the flood cycle in the area around the Rancamanyar Oxbow. By calculating estimated planned flood discharge, inflow and outflow discharge, and the maximum capacity of the oxbow, the study determined the ideal span shape of the oxbow cross-section, which serves as the basis for normalizing the landscape of Rancamanyar Oxbow.</em></p>Husna IzzatiIing Rustandi
Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Arsitektur
<p>The primary objective of this study is to analyze the domestic content components in the renovation project of the KPP Pratama Maumere official residence. Domestic content is a strategic government policy based on several perspectives. Specifically, this policy is implemented to encourage demand for local products and labor while strengthening the local economic base. This research employs a descriptive quantitative approach to evaluate quantitative data related to materials, labor, and services used in the project. The findings reveal that the final domestic content value percentage (TKDN) for the renovation project of the KPP Pratama Maumere official residence, influenced by the use of local materials, reaches 70.40%. This indicates that the project has exceeded the minimum TKDN threshold of 35%. Thus, no evaluation or financial penalties are required, as these are only applicable if the project fails to meet the established minimum TKDN threshold. The study highlights that material components have the most significant influence on the final TKDN value of this project</p>Triapriono kaiduAnastasia M.N. Soludale
Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Arsitektur
<p><em>Many students at the Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta come from outside the city and even abroad and need supporting facilities to support learning at the Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta, so it is necessary to have supporting facilities in the form of temporary housing in the form of student dormitories.</em><em> This plan aims to analyze the load and determine the dimensions and requirements for the reinforcement used. The planning of the Student Dormitory Building is included in Seismic Design Category D. So it is planned using the Special Moment Resisting Frame System (SRPMK) method based on SNI 2847:2019 utilizing the help of the SAP2000 V.22 program. The roof plate is 100 mm thick with support reinforcement in the x and y directions Ø10–150 mm and field reinforcement in the x and y directions Ø10–200 mm. The floor plate is 120 mm thick with support reinforcement in the x and y directions Ø10–140 mm and field reinforcement in the x and y directions Ø10–180 mm. Beam 1 dimension 250x400mm with top support reinforcement 4D16mm, middle 2Ø13, bottom 3D16mm, shear 3Ø10–80 mm and field reinforcement top 3D16mm, middle 2Ø13, bottom 3D16mm, shear 3Ø10–100 mm. 2-dimensional beam 250x350mm with top support reinforcement 4D16mm, middle 2Ø13, bottom 3D16mm, shear 3Ø10–70mm and field reinforcement top 3D16mm, middle 2Ø13, bottom 3D16mm, shear 3Ø10–100 mm. Column 1 dimensions 500 x500 mm with longitudinal reinforcement 16D16mm and shear reinforcement Ø10–90 mm. Column 2 dimensions 450 x 450 mm with longitudinal reinforcement 16D16mm and shear reinforcement Ø10–90mm. 150mm thick shear wall with 2Ø16–300 mm horizontal and vertical reinforcement. Drilled pile foundation with a depth of 8000 mm, pile diameter 800mm with 16D22 shear reinforcement Ø10–180 mm, and pile cape dimensions Lx and Ly 4000 mm, thickness 800 mm with reinforcement in the x and y directions D13–100 mm</em></p>Vitria PancawatiDian ArumningsihKusdiman Joko Priyanto
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<p>Bangunan tinggi dengan patung Reog seberat 1800 ton di atas gedung sangat riskan terhadap gempa bumi yang mengancam jiwa pengguna gedung. Oleh karena itu, untuk merencanakan bangunan bertingkat tersebut, struktur harus didesain dengan baik dan benar agar tidak terjadi kegagalan saat terjadi gempa. Modifikasi ini meliputi balok, pelat, tangga, dan kolom. Dengan perubahan bentuk kolom persegi menjadi kolom lingkaran. Untuk memaksimalkan fungsi ruang serta kegunaan gedung dilakukan penambahan pelat lantai di lantai 4 dan 8 – 12. Perhitungan struktur beton bertulang menggunakan peraturan SNI 2847:2019 dan pembebanan menggunakan peraturan SNI 1727:2020. Metode yang digunakan dalam modifikasi ini adalah Sistem Rangka Pemikul Momen Khusus (SRPMK) untuk mendapatkan struktur bangunan bertingkat tinggi yang kuat dan aman. Analisis statika struktur menggunakan perangkat lunak Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis (RSAP) Student Version 2021. Diperoleh hasil perhitungan sebagai berikut: Balok 350/700 dengan tulangan longitudinal tarik 8 D29, tulangan tekan 4 D29, tulangan transversal tumpuan D19-100, dan tulangan transversal lapangan D19-200. Balok anak 250/300 dengan tulangan longitudinal tarik 5 D22, tulangan tekan 3 D22, tulangan transversal tumpuan D13-50, dan tulangan transversal lapangan D13-100. Pelat lantai tebal 120 mm, tulangan arah X D13-150, arah Y sebesar D13-150 dan tulangan bagi D13-300. Pelat tangga tebal 130 mm dengan tulangan D16-100. Kolom diameter 1000 mm dengan tulangan utama 18D22, tulangan transversal tumpuan D16-100, dan tulangan transversal lapangan D16-100. Digunakan pondasi <em>bored pile</em> dengan diameter 1000 mm dengan daya dukung tiang tunggal dihasilkan 8.313kN. Tulangan <em>pile cap</em> dihasilkan sebesar D22 – 60.</p>Ramadhani Nida RahmaturAulia RahmanAnisah Nur Fajarwati
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<p>Ekowisata mangrove Cuku Nyi-Nyi adalah ekowisata yang berkelanjutan, namun belum memiliki penilaian terkait kesesuaian wisata dan masterplan. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis secara spasial, Indeks Kesesuaian Wisata (IKW), Daya Dukung Kawasan (DDK), dan masterplan infrastruktur pendukung di ekowisata mangrove Cuku-Nyi-Nyi. Metode yang digunakan meliputi analisis kesesuaian ekowisata mangrove menggunakan metode transek jalur, analisis spasial dengan perangkat lunak analisis spasial, serta analisis kesesuaian masterplan infrastruktur pendukung menggunakan metode <em>supply and demand.</em> Hasil penelitian menunjukkan data transek vegetasi <em>rhizophora apiculata</em> dengan Indeks Nilai Penting (INP) sebesar 249,744 dan <em>rhizophora stylosa</em> dengan Indeks Nilai Penting (INP) sebesar 50,255. Kawasan ini memiliki nilai Indeks Kesesuaian Wisata (IKW) sebesar 2,1 dan nilai Daya Dukung Kawasan (DDK) sebesar 91 orang per hari. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menghasilkan masterplan infrastruktur pendukung yang direkomendasikan, yaitu sumber daya listrik, selter edukasi, dermaga, jalan beton, musholla, dan kios makanan. Kesimpulannya adalah wilayah ekowisata Cuku Nyi-Nyi memiliki nilai IKW yang masuk dalam kategori sesuai (S2) dan DDK yang masuk dalam kategori aman per hari, serta menghasilkan masterplan dan DED Infrastruktur pendukung.</p>Mas Achmad Arief Rachmatulah KesumaAhmad HerisonDevi Kurnia SariYuda RomdaniaSefrinta S M
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2025-01-272025-01-27301687810.36728/jtsa.v30i1.4082TIPOLOGI BENTUK DAN DENAH RUMAH JOGLO MILIK PETANI JAWA DI PEDESAAN
<p><em>Pondokrejo Joglo Village is a traditional Javanese settlement with many joglo houses that are preserved both in terms of physical and socio-cultural aspects. This research was conducted to find a typology of roof shapes and house plans in Pondokrejo Village, Rembang. This research uses a descriptive method, with qualitative-descriptive analysis, and a typological approach through data collection in the field. This typology categorizes types based on the similarity of roof shapes and floor plan configurations used in each house. The results show that there are several types of house forms, namely Joglo, Wedhok (Bekuk Lulang), Paris (Limasan), and Sinom. The Tajug form is only used for mosques, and the Panggang Pe form is only for warehouses, bathrooms, stalls, huts, and others. The plan configuration varies from one building to three buildings. There is one similarity between the buildings, which is that the Joglo house is always at the front, however, there is an exception for the Sinom house, which is an embodiment of the 'pacekan Joglo' that functions as a pendopo-like building in the Javanese house concept. The "sinom" and "wedhok" house forms are building forms that already have a "soko guru" that can later be upgraded or transformed into a joglo.</em></p>Baju Arie WibawaAtik SupraptiBambang Setioko
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<p><em>Construction projects are a series of activities that are typically one-time and short-term. Ongoing projects often experience delays, both in terms of completion time exceeding the plan and implementation costs being higher than those projected in the Implementation Budget Plan (RAP). Deviations from the plan must be continuously measured to control costs and time. Ineffective project management is marked by significant deviations in costs and time. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the performance of the Warmadewa University Educational Building construction in terms of cost and time using the Earned Value Method, and to identify solutions to address delays. Additionally, to determine the economic value of a building based on its operational costs throughout its lifespan, Life Cycle Cost (LCC) is used in this study. This research employs a descriptive method with a quantitative approach, utilizing necessary data such as plan drawings, RAB, time schedules, and weekly reports. The performance analysis results show an SPI value of 0.81, indicating that the project is delayed from the planned schedule. Meanwhile, the CPI value is 1, meaning that the work is in line with the planned budget. If project performance remains stable until completion, the estimated total cost (EAC) will match the plan at IDR 23,948,882,427.62. The estimated project time (EAS) is longer than the initial plan, from 380 days to 428 days, indicating an extension of 48 days. Using LCC calculations for the Warmadewa University Educational Building project, the total maintenance cost for wall, floor, and ceiling work is IDR 19,403,342.58.</em></p>Ni Komang SintyawatiWayan Gde Erick TriswandanaPutu Aryastana
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<p><em>An office with an open-plan system is a popular building today with the complexity of activities and user needs. The advantages of saving space and making a spacious impression make open-plan offices popular. The main activity of the office as a place to work requires optimal daylighting to accommodate all its main activities during office hours. This study is a quasi-experimental research evaluating natural lighting performance in office buildings. The consideration of office building was chosen based on the general open-plan office criteria. The problem of uneven daylighting in the office space demands a system to increase daylighting performance. The use of lightshelf as a natural shading system is proposed as an alternative to increase daylighting performance, which is computationally simulated using Ecotect with the Radiance plug-in. Data collection techniques are carried out through computer simulation modeling and literature studies. It is hoped that the results of this study can add insight and be used as an alternative to daylight shading systems.</em></p>Astrini Hadina HasyaRatna Andriani NastitiR. Ayu Firdausi Novira RachmanRiza Septriana DewiIhza Rangga Artito
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2025-01-272025-01-273019810610.36728/jtsa.v30i1.4276Sistematic Literatur Review (SLR) : TINJAUAN REGULASI GLOBAL TERHADAP BAKU MUTU GETARAN AKIBAT AKTIVITAS TRANSPORTASI DI INDONESIA
<p><em>Transportation modes, whether land, sea, or air, can cause significant vibration impacts that can disturb the surrounding environment. The vibrations caused by the three modes of transportation are ground vibrations that impact people in the environment around the transportation mode. Vibration impacts from these modes of transportation must be controlled through strict regulations for human comfort and health and to maintain the integrity of building structures around the operating area. Indonesia has regulations regarding vibration quality standards regulated in KepMenLH No. 49 of 1996 concerning vibration levels due to facilities and infrastructure for human activities. Various countries also have updated regulations for transportation vibration levels such as Japan, Germany, Australia, and others. The latest transportation vibration quality standard regulations are more comprehensive, making it possible to control vibration impacts more effectively. This research aims to review the regulation of vibration quality standards in Indonesia due to transportation activities with global regulations at both national and international levels. Through comparative descriptive analysis, this research will identify shortcomings in Indonesian regulations and provide recommendations for improvement. The result of this research is that Indonesia's regulations require updating to ensure that the standards used remain relevant and effective in facing future vibration challenges. However, as the majority of countries in the world still use the vibration parameters used in KepMenLH No. 49, these parameters are still sufficient.</em></p>Dewi HandayaniAmirotul M. H. MahmudahSeptia Nur Triharningsih
Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Arsitektur
<p><em>Retaining walls are important structures in civil construction used to resist soil and water pressure. Two common methods used for retaining wall analysis are the Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) and Allowable Stress Design (ASD) methods. LRFD is based on the principle of probabilistic balance and considers an explicit safety factor to ensure that the capacity of the structure is greater than the loads that may occur, while ASD is based on the principle that the stresses acting on the structure should not exceed the allowable stresses for the material and is simpler than the LRFD method, but does not consider the safety factor explicitly and does not account for uncertainties in materials, loads and analysis. With the different approaches in LRFD and ASD analysis, this study aims to compare the analysis results with LRFD and ASD approaches in the case of a secant pile-type retaining wall on the slope of river X where the initial analysis used the ASD approach. Secondary data in the form of soil data and river slope cross sections were obtained from the previous planning consultant, then the analysis was carried out with GEO5 software. The initial model was created first with the same parameters as the previous planning in order to provide the same penetration, displacement and internal force requirements as the planning consultant. The same model in the analysis results will be used as an analysis model for the LRFD approach and the analysis results in the LRFD model will be compared with the analysis model in the ASD approach. Based on the results of the LRFD analysis on the Strength boundary condition, it was found that the LRFD method gave a penetration depth 21.7% greater than ASD, moment force 40% greater than ASD and shear force 7.8% greater than ASD. A more detailed approach needs to be carried out on other boundary conditions such as Service and Extreme in order to provide more optimal comparison results</em></p>Furqaan HarjantoDega RofiyantamaMentari Putri Maharani
Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Arsitektur
<p>The periodic vibration parameters are deviation, velocity, and acceleration, and the measuring instruments for the three parameters are called displacement pickups, velocity pickups, and accelerometers respectively. Recently, many other materials have been discovered for measuring vibrations called MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical System) which provide an output in the form of a voltage so that it does not require an amplifier/charge amplifier. This MEMS technology accelerometer will replace the piezoelectric crystal (PCB) technology accelerometer. This research aims to determine the comparison of vibration measurement results from the two types of accelerometers. Both types of accelerometers are placed at the end of a metal plate which is clamped at the other end. The iron plate is vibrated by providing an impact and the vibration response is recorded by Dewesoft, the vibration response is also recorded in ambient conditions. From the results of vibration measurements in ambient conditions and given impact forces, these two types of accelerometers produce the same natural frequency values, while the amplitude values ??in the form of acceleration values ??have a difference of 4.75% for impact forces and 11.35% for ambient conditions.</p>Firnimus Bhara
Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Arsitektur
<p>Air merupakan salah satu sumber pokok kebutuhan yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh makhluk hidup terutama manusia. Biasanya air digunakan untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari, sarana transportasi, maupun kebutuhan untuk keberlangan industri. Kelurahan Tanjung Mas menjadi salah satu daerah pesisir di Kota Semarang. Pertumbuhan kota-kota di wilayah pesisir menyebabkan beberapa permasalahan di masyarakat, terutama kebutuhan air bersih. Sumber mata air dan jaringan pendistribusian air bersih yang kurang memadai disinyalir sebagai faktor utamanya. Tanjung Mas didominasi dari air artesis sebesar 83%. Jumlah penduduk yang juga semakin menurun akibat dari migrasi tiap tahunnnya juga mempengaruhi penggunaan air bersih. Dengan adanya hal tersebut, perlu adanya pengembangan sistem jaringan distribusi dengan bantuan aplikasi Epanet 2.2. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif, Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, kapasitas debit terpasang 14,59 liter/detik masih dapat memenuhi pelanggan. Jumlah kebutuhan air bersih pada kondisi eksisting 2023 yaitu sebesar 6,2 liter/detik dengan jumlah pelanggan sebesar 2.976 SR. Fenomena penurunan jumlah penduduk di Kelurahan Tanjung Mas membuat penelitian ini membuat desain baru dengan mengubah aliran dari IPA Gajah Mungkur ke IPA Kudu.</p>Ikhwanudin IkhwanudinOctavia Surya NingtyasTasya Dyah Nov RianaFarida Yudaningrum
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2025-01-272025-01-2730113013710.36728/jtsa.v30i1.4370TERAK NON-BESI SEBAGAI TAMBAH SEMEN PORTLAND PADA BETON STRUKTURAL
<p><em>The degradation in environmental grade and generating concrete with low level of ordinary Portland cement have emerged intention for researchers to produce concrete with slag-based substitutional material. The utilization of slag as a partial substitution of cementitious material in concrete has encountered the need of more sustainable materials</em> <em>in the concrete technology. In contrast, the application of non-ferrous slag (NFS) as substitution of the ordinary Portland cement is not well focused despite the largely global slag deposit and the application in concrete technology. Worldwidely immense deposit of various non-ferrous slag from mining and manufacturing process can be used in generating high performance concrete. On that account, this paper provides a critical review of recent studies concerning the non-ferrous based slag as the substitution of regular Portland cement. Production techniques, properties and the applications</em> <em>of NFS for high strength concrete are also examined. Cement with nickel and copper slag addition with high silica content has the potential to increase concrete durability with proper curing method due to better hydration process and low porosity. The maximum 15% non-ferrous slag addition in total cement weight at high water cement ratio increases concrete compressive strength by up to 30%. Substitution of non-ferrous slag for the ordinary Poertland cement in concrete has great potential to overcome stock waste issues, to reduce carbon dioxide emission and consequently reduce global energy consumption as an environmentally friendly approach.</em></p>Sandy I. YansikuYohanes G.G.L. Duran
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2025-01-282025-01-2830113814910.36728/jtsa.v30i1.4453ANALISIS DAYA DUKUNG TIANG PANCANG STEEL PIPE PILE BERDASARKAN DATA KALENDERING DAN PDA TEST (Studi Kasus: Project Strengthening Jetty 1 & Jetty 2 PLH Existing, Desa Paring Lahung, Kec. Montallat, Kab. Barito Utara, Kalimantan Tengah)
<p><em>In the field of construction, particularly in geotechnical engineering, uncertainties in foundation design approaches are frequently encountered. Geotechnical uncertainties, especially in foundation design, pose complex challenges due to the heterogeneous nature of soil and data limitations. Dynamic load testing on pile foundations is an alternative method to static load testing in geotechnical engineering for evaluating pile capacity and behavior. The results of this analysis will be compared to the design capacity of pile foundations in the breasting dolphin structure. This study on a breasting dolphin structure utilizing Steel Pipe Pile (SPP) foundations with a diameter 610 mm. PDA tests were conducted on piles at points G6-23, G7-33, G7-38, and G8-46. The study begins with a literature review to comprehend methods and theories related to pile capacity analysis based on calendaring and PDA testing. Calendaring data were analyzed using empirical methods such as the Hiley Formula to estimate the dynamic bearing capacity of each pile. The pile capacity calculated using the Hiley Formula is generally higher than the results obtained from the Case Method and CAPWAP Analysis. The relationship between pile capacity based on the Hiley Formula (calendaring) and the Case Method (PDA test) yielded a linear regression equation of y = 1.0785x - 983.07 with R² = 0.2385, indicating a weak correlation. Meanwhile, the relationship between pile capacity from the Hiley Formula (calendaring) and CAPWAP Analysis (PDA test) resulted in a linear regression equation of y = -0.006x + 2909.8 with R² = 1×10?¹, indicating almost no linear correlation between the two.</em></p>Kukuh Kurniawan Dwi SungkonoReki ArbiantoPaska WijayantiErwin Aji PrasetyoRizal Kurniawan
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