The results of this study are related to the management of PERPANI Klaten which includes organizational management, training programs, and infrastructure. The management of the PERPANI Klaten organization is well structured, the development and management of the PERPANI Klaten have been going well. The training program provided by the trainer is following the plan that was made at the beginning of the period. The facilities for building PERPANI Klaten's achievements are very good. Based on this research, it can be concluded that: archery management at PERPANI Klaten is very good. This can be seen from the well-structured management of the PERPANI Klaten organization, the development, and management of PERPANI Klaten's management has been going well, the trainers compile long-term, short-term and pre-competition program planning. The trainer always provides an evaluation of each exercise to tell the athlete what has been achieved and what has not been achieved during training. The training program compiled by the trainer has been carried out and the infrastructure can be seen from the national standard outdoor archery field facilities and indoor field as well as the organizational management of the Klaten PERPANI management and the PERPANI Klaten achievement development has been going well.