Journal of Smart System <p>Journal of Smart System</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> en-US (M. Rizal Fernandita P., S.PWK., M.PWK) (Erni Widarti, S.Kom., M.Kom.) Wed, 20 Nov 2024 15:15:14 +0700 OJS 60 Empowering Students as Agents of Change in Sustainable Society 5.0 in Higher Education <p>Higher education institutions play a crucial role in equipping students with the knowledge, skills, and mindset to actively contribute to building a sustainable society as the world faces complex sustainability challenges. The research aim is to find out the strategies to empower students as agent of change in sustainable society 5.0 in hinger educations. The research is qualitative research approach. The data was collected through document analysis process. The results of research are strategies to empower students as agent of change in sustainable society 5.0 in hinger Education consist of developing knowledge and awareness, encouraging critical thinking, nurturing creativity and innovation, encouraging active participation, cultivating collaboration and networking, encouraging ethical responsibility, and promoting digital literacy</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Wirda Ningsih, Yundri Akhyar Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Smart System Wed, 20 Sep 2023 12:20:11 +0700 The possible Innovation in Teaching and Learning Anatomy <p>The ways and tools of teaching and learning are improving greatly after the COVID-19 pandemic. This progress includes the anatomy teaching and learning process. Some innovations that have been developed lately are by using web-based learning, virtual classroom, virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality for dissection (anatomy studio), alternate reality, 3D printing, high-fidelity simulation, human-computer interface in immersion/haptic technology, tutorial from social media, artificial intelligence/humanoid robots, and 3D stereoscopy. Those technologies have their strength and weakness compared with learning anatomy by cadavers. The strength is the process of learning and teaching can be done virtually without any border of places and time. It is very useful during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the technologies and the tools need a lot of maintenance and updates which need some funding and effort. Sometimes, there might be inequality in accessing the technologies due to financial problems. Cadaveric dissection enables students to feel the real-time consistency of the human body, including the size and feeling for the early surgical skill experiences. Newer technology can be used as an add-on during the process. In conclusion, the possibility of implementing innovation in teaching and learning anatomy is very vast. One method might complement each other for better comprehensive learning and teaching.</p> <p>Keywords: anatomy, learning, teaching, technology&nbsp;</p> Yuliana Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Smart System Mon, 20 Nov 2023 09:49:30 +0700 Implementation of Blockchain-based Supply Chain Management (SCM) in Manufacturing Companies <p><em>Supply chain management, which has been known since the 2000s, is a centralized supply chain management system. In practice, this system has several weaknesses, such as the problem of trust abuse of authority, the system cannot present up-to-date data and takes a long time to process data and so on. Blockchain technology comes by applying the concept of decentralization and distribution in digital transaction record keeping, so that all activities can be accessed by members in a gated network. This study aims to design the implementation of blockchain supply chain management technology in manufacturing companies. The author uses the Waterfall research method and literature study. The choice of the waterfall method is because this method carries out the software development process systematically and sequentially. This research produces a design for implementing supply chain management that can maintain data security in manufacturing companies</em></p> Suwandi Suwandi, Marsani Asfi, Wiwiek Nurkomala Dewi, Lena Magdalena Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Smart System Fri, 12 Jan 2024 16:51:44 +0700 Analisis Sentimen Aplikasi Samsat Digital di Play Store Menggunakan Support Vector Machine <p><em>Technology plays a crucial role in the development of public services in today's digital era. The National Digital Samsat application (SIGNAL) is a tangible example of the application of information technology aimed at facilitating the payment process for motor vehicle taxes. By utilizing digital systems, the public can conduct transactions online without the need to physically visit the Samsat office. This study aims to analyze user sentiment regarding the SIGNAL application on the Play Store using the Support Vector Machine (SVM) method. The evaluation was conducted by comparing the accuracy of four SVM kernels-linear, RBF, sigmoid, and polynomial, across three scenarios. The best results were obtained in scenario 1, with a training data ratio of 90% and testing data of 10%, yielding an accuracy of 92.2%, precision of 97.21%, recall of 97.2%, and an F1-score of 97.19%. The analysis also indicates that the majority of user reviews are positive, with 531 positive reviews and 219 negative reviews. The words that frequently appear in positive reviews include "application," "easy," "tax," and "help." These findings suggest that the SIGNAL application has been well received by users and can serve as a foundation for developers to continually improve the service.</em></p> NISRINA YULIA SETYAWATI, Erni Widarti Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Smart System Wed, 10 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700