
Awareness of the importance of fostering the achievement of national sports as a vehicle for education, development of human resources, and the competitiveness of the nation, as well as to develop a sense of national pride as a nation, has sparked the publication of Indonesian Presidential Regulation No. 22 Year 2010 About the Program Gold Indonesia (PRIMA) a national program that is implemented on the development achievements in a sustainable sport sport is an integral part of the development process of the nation and the State. Good sports coaching process will eventually lead to the birth of the national sports achievements to be proud of at the international forum as well as raise dignity of the nation.

A presidential decree had been followed up with the movement by the government through the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia and relevant government agencies, together with the public through the National Sports Council (KON) and the National Olympic Committee (NOC), and of Mother Sports Organization, and involving experts and Professor of Sport.

As part of coaching sports achievements made by PRIMA is achievement Paralympic sport or sports for athletes with a disability called Paralympian athlete Paralympian athlete In order to develop a committee has been set up in which there is the Expert Team. The expert team consists of experts Prof Dr. Sugiyanto and Prof. Dr. Muchsin Doewes, dr., AIFO rrom UNS included in the Expert Team formed One of the tasks that have been carried out by the Expert Team is an active role in preparing the Strategic Plan Special Gold Indonesia Paralympian (RENSTRA PRIMA) 2010-2014.

Author Biography

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How to Cite
SAPUTRO, I. N. (2019). INDONESIA PARALYMPIC SPORTS COACHING EVALUATION. Journal Of Indonesia Sport Education and Adapted Physical Education (JISEAPE), 1(1). Diambil dari