Review Process

Review Process for Manuscripts Submitted to The Agricultural Economics, Social, and Environment Journal (AESE Journal):

In the Review Process or Step, all contributions are typically dispatched to a minimum of two independent expert reviewers for the evaluation of the paper's scientific quality. Upon receipt of the manuscript, the editor will scrutinize it to ensure alignment with the journal's scope and instructions, a process that usually takes about one week.

Reviewers are contacted before receiving a paper and are requested to provide comments within a two-week timeframe for most papers. In case of delays in the reviewers' responses, a reminder will be issued to prompt the submission of comments within one week.

The reviewers' comments will be relayed to the author, who will be asked to submit the corrected version within a two-week period. Following the reception of the revised manuscript, the author will receive an acceptance letter, notifying them that their paper has been accepted for publication in the upcoming issue of the journal.

The final decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of articles rests with the Editor, whose decision is considered conclusive.

1. Initial Manuscript Assessment

Upon submission, manuscripts undergo an initial assessment by the editorial team to ensure alignment with the journal's scope, adherence to guidelines, and overall suitability for peer review.

2. Peer Review Assignment

Manuscripts passing the initial assessment are assigned to expert reviewers with relevant expertise in the subject matter. Reviewers are selected based on their knowledge of the field to provide constructive and insightful feedback.

3. Peer Review Evaluation

Reviewers rigorously evaluate the manuscript, considering its originality, methodology, significance, and overall contribution to the field. They provide detailed comments and recommendations to the authors.

4. Author Revision

Authors receive feedback from reviewers and are given the opportunity to revise their manuscripts accordingly. Authors should address reviewers' comments comprehensively and make necessary improvements to enhance the quality of their work.

5. Second Review (If Required)

In cases where major revisions are made, the revised manuscript may undergo a second round of review to ensure that all concerns have been adequately addressed.

6. Editorial Decision

The editorial team considers reviewers' comments, authors' revisions, and the overall merit of the manuscript to make a decision. This decision may include acceptance, minor or major revisions, or rejection.

7. Notification to Authors

Authors are promptly notified of the editorial decision. If revisions are requested, clear instructions are provided to guide authors in preparing the final version of their manuscripts.

8. Final Manuscript Preparation

Upon acceptance, authors prepare the final version of their manuscripts following the journal's formatting guidelines. This includes addressing any remaining editorial and formatting suggestions.

9. Proofreading

Authors receive proofs for final review, allowing them to identify and correct any remaining errors. This stage ensures accuracy before the manuscript is published.

10. Online Publication

Once the final proof is approved, the manuscript is published online, becoming accessible to the public and contributing to the scholarly discourse in agricultural economics, social dynamics, and environmental sustainability.

The AESE Journal is committed to a thorough and constructive review process that ensures the quality and integrity of published research. The collaboration between authors, expert reviewers, and the editorial team facilitates the dissemination of valuable contributions to the academic community.