Plagiarism Check
The Journal of Rural and Urban Community Studies (JRUCS) using Turnitin, with the requirement rules below:
1. Submission Process:
Authors are required to submit their manuscripts to JRUCS through the designated platform or submission system. During the submission process, authors must ensure that their work adheres to the ethical standards of originality and proper citation.
2. Turnitin Integration:
JRUCS utilizes Turnitin, a plagiarism detection tool, to assess the originality of submitted manuscripts. Authors are required to upload their manuscripts to Turnitin as part of the submission process.
3. Similarity Threshold:
The acceptable similarity score set by JRUCS is below 20 percent. Manuscripts exceeding this threshold may be subject to further review and potential rejection.
4. Author Responsibility:
Authors are responsible for ensuring that their work is original and properly cited. It is recommended that authors perform their own plagiarism checks using available tools before submitting to JRUCS.
5. Turnitin Report:
Authors will receive a Turnitin similarity report along with their manuscript evaluation. They should carefully review the report and make necessary revisions to address any identified similarities.
6. Revised Submissions:
If the initial submission surpasses the 20 percent similarity threshold, authors are encouraged to revise their manuscripts and undergo the Turnitin check again before resubmitting to JRUCS.
7. Editorial Review:
Submissions meeting the specified plagiarism criteria will undergo the standard editorial review process. The editorial team will consider the overall quality, significance, and originality of the work in addition to the plagiarism check results.
8. Decision and Publication:
Manuscripts passing the plagiarism check and meeting the journal's editorial standards will be considered for publication. Authors will be notified of the editorial decision, which may include acceptance, revision, or rejection.
By implementing these rules, JRUCS aims to maintain the integrity of scholarly work, uphold ethical standards, and ensure that published content contributes to the advancement of knowledge in rural and urban community studies.