Publication Ethics
The International Journal of Agribusiness, Agroindustry, Agrotourism, and Permaculture (IJA3P) has an ethical policy that is based on the guidelines set by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). IJA3P adheres to the principles of Publication Ethics as outlined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and professionalism in all aspects of our publication process. This policy aligns with the codes of conduct established by the IJA3P Editorial Board. When working with IJA3P, readers, authors, reviewers, and editors are expected to adhere to these ethical policies. Furthermore, IJA3P's ethical policy plays a critical role in determining which research papers or articles should be published in each issue of the journal. The journal takes responsibility for ensuring that the published works meet certain quality and ethical standards. If you would like more information on the publishing process and ethical guidelines followed by IJA3P, please visit
Authors, reviewers, editors, and the journal's editorial team are expected to uphold these ethical guidelines to ensure the credibility, transparency, and quality of the research and articles published in IJA3P. These guidelines encompass various aspects such as originality of research, proper citation and attribution, avoiding plagiarism, ensuring accurate and transparent reporting of research, handling conflicts of interest, maintaining confidentiality, and respecting the rights and consent of human subjects involved in studies.
The journal's editorial team plays a crucial role in evaluating submissions, ensuring fair peer review processes, and making editorial decisions based on the merit of the work, without any bias or undue influence. Reviewers are expected to provide timely, constructive, and unbiased assessments of manuscripts, while authors are responsible for submitting original and accurate work, citing sources appropriately, and disclosing any potential conflicts of interest.
By adhering to these Publication Ethics guidelines and standards set by COPE, the IJA3P aims to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in its field while maintaining the trust and respect of the scholarly community and the public at large.
Duties and Responsibilities of Publishers
As the publishers of The International Journal of Agribusiness, Agroindustry, Agrotourism, and Permaculture (IJA3P), we are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics and integrity. Our responsibilities encompass various aspects of the publishing process, and we are committed to:
Editorial Independence and Integrity. We ensure that editorial decisions are made based on the merit of the research and without influence from external parties, maintaining the journal's integrity and credibility.
Peer Review Process. We oversee a thorough and impartial peer review process that upholds the quality of published content. Reviewers are selected for their expertise and objectivity.
Fair Editorial Decisions. We make unbiased and informed decisions on the acceptance, revision, or rejection of manuscripts based on objective evaluation and alignment with the journal's scope.
Ethical Guidelines. We adhere to ethical guidelines set forth by organizations such as the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) to ensure fair authorship practices, proper citation, avoidance of plagiarism, and adherence to ethical standards.
Transparency and Communication. We provide clear information to authors, reviewers, and readers about the journal's policies, procedures, and ethical guidelines, promoting transparency and trust.
Archiving and Accessibility. We facilitate the archiving and long-term accessibility of published content, ensuring its availability for future researchers and scholars.
Corrections and Retractions. We promptly address errors, inaccuracies, or ethical concerns in published articles through corrections or retractions, as needed, to maintain the accuracy and credibility of the journal.
Copyright and Licensing. We respect the intellectual property rights of authors and ensure proper copyright and licensing agreements are established for published content.
Continuous Improvement. We continually enhance our editorial processes, ethical standards, and journal management to uphold the highest quality in scholarly publishing.
By fulfilling these duties and responsibilities, the publishers of The International Journal of Agribusiness, Agroindustry, Agrotourism, and Permaculture (IJA3P) aim to contribute to the advancement of knowledge, foster a scholarly community, and maintain the ethical standards integral to reputable academic publishing.
Duties and Responsibilities of Editors
The editors of The International Journal of Agribusiness, Agroindustry, Agrotourism, and Permaculture (IJA3P) are entrusted with critical roles in maintaining the ethical standards and integrity of the journal. They shoulder the following responsibilities:
Editorial Decision Authority. The editors hold the full authority to make objective decisions on manuscript acceptance or rejection based on the quality, originality, and alignment with the journal's scope.
Manuscript Confidentiality. Editors are responsible for safeguarding the confidentiality of submitted manuscripts, both during the review process and until publication, ensuring the integrity of the peer review process.
Editorial Collaboration. The Editor-in-Chief, in collaboration with other editors and reviewers, makes final decisions on submitted manuscripts, ensuring a comprehensive and unbiased evaluation.
Reviewer Anonymity. Editors maintain the anonymity of reviewers to ensure a fair and impartial peer review process.
Conflict of Interest. Editors disclose and manage any potential conflicts of interest that could compromise the impartiality and objectivity of editorial decisions.
Academic Integrity. Editors uphold academic integrity by facilitating the dissemination of high-quality research and striving to meet the needs of authors and readers.
Investigation and Corrections. Editors are committed to investigating plagiarism and fraudulent data issues and are prepared to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies when necessary.
Limitation to Intellectual Content. Editors confine their evaluations and decisions to the intellectual content of manuscripts, avoiding any personal biases or external influences.
Confidentiality in Manuscript Handling. Editors refrain from disclosing any information about submitted manuscripts to anyone except the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisers, and the publisher, as appropriate.
Unpublished Material Usage. Unpublished materials presented in submitted manuscripts will not be utilized by editors or editorial board members for their own research without explicit written consent from the author.
By adhering to these duties and responsibilities, the editors of The International Journal of Agribusiness, Agroindustry, Agrotourism, and Permaculture (IJA3P) contribute to maintaining the ethical standards, scholarly integrity, and credibility of the journal's editorial processes.
Duties and Responsibilities of Reviewers
Reviewers play a crucial role in ensuring the quality and integrity of The International Journal of Agribusiness, Agroindustry, Agrotourism, and Permaculture (IJA3P). They undertake responsibilities aligned with ethical and professional standards, including:
Assisting Editorial Decisions. Reviewers assist the editors in making informed decisions on the publication of submitted manuscripts by providing their expert evaluations.
Manuscript Confidentiality. Reviewers maintain the confidentiality of the manuscripts assigned to them for review, refraining from disclosing or discussing the content with others.
Timely Review. Reviewers provide timely comments and evaluations that aid editors in determining whether the submitted manuscript meets the standards for publication.
Confidentiality and Non-Exploitation. Reviewers treat the reviewed manuscripts as confidential documents and refrain from using information obtained through peer review for personal gain.
Professional and Objective Comments. Reviewers offer technical, professional, and objective comments on each invited manuscript, focusing on its quality, originality, significance, and alignment with the journal's scope.
Conflict of Interest Avoidance. Reviewers do not review manuscripts in which they have identified conflicts of interest with authors, companies, or institutions involved.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure. Reviewers disclose any potential conflicts of interest to editors, maintaining transparency and impartiality in the review process.
Constructive Feedback. Reviewers provide constructive feedback to authors, suggesting improvements and clarifications where needed to enhance the quality of manuscripts.
Honesty and Integrity. Reviewers approach their role with honesty and integrity, upholding the scholarly standards of the journal and contributing to the advancement of knowledge.
By adhering to these duties and responsibilities, reviewers of The International Journal of Agribusiness, Agroindustry, Agrotourism, and Permaculture (IJA3P) play an essential role in maintaining the journal's credibility, ensuring the quality of published content, and upholding the ethical standards integral to the peer review process.
Duties and Responsibilities of Authors
Authors submitting manuscripts to The International Journal of Agribusiness, Agroindustry, Agrotourism, and Permaculture (IJA3P) are expected to uphold ethical and professional standards throughout the publication process. Authors are required to:
Manuscript Preparation. Manuscripts must be prepared in English with proper grammar and accurate terminology, ensuring readability and clarity.
Originality and Prior Publication. Authors confirm that the submitted manuscripts are original, have not been published elsewhere, and are not under consideration by any other journal.
Coauthor Approval. The submitting corresponding author is responsible for obtaining approval from all coauthors for the manuscript's submission and publication.
Peer Review Participation. Authors contribute to the peer review process by participating as reviewers when requested, thus sustaining the integrity of the peer review system.
Institutional Approval. Authors ensure that manuscripts originating from their institutions are submitted with necessary institutional approval.
Editing Permission. Authors permit editorial editing of the manuscript for clarity and readability while maintaining the integrity of the research.
Funding Disclosure. Authors provide clear acknowledgment of financial support for research and describe the role of funders/sponsors in the research process.
Correspondence and Proof Review. All authors agree to allow the corresponding author to communicate with the editorial office, review the edited manuscript, and approve proofs.
Error Reporting and Corrections. Authors promptly inform the journal editor or publisher if they discover significant errors or inaccuracies in their published work, facilitating retractions or corrections.
Plagiarism Prevention. Authors acknowledge that submitted manuscripts undergo plagiarism screening using software. Plagiarism is a violation of publication ethics and will not be tolerated.
Submission Checklist. Authors ensure that all coauthors have reviewed the submission final checklist before submitting the manuscript to IJA3P.
By adhering to these duties and responsibilities, authors contribute to maintaining the ethical standards, credibility, and integrity of The International Journal of Agribusiness, Agroindustry, Agrotourism, and Permaculture (IJA3P), while advancing knowledge and scholarly discourse within the field.
Principles of Transparency
The International Journal of Agribusiness, Agroindustry, Agrotourism, and Permaculture (IJA3P), upholds the following principles of transparency to ensure the integrity, credibility, and openness of our publication process:
Open Access. IJA3P is committed to providing open access to published content, allowing researchers, scholars, and the public to freely access and benefit from the latest research findings.
Authorship Transparency. Authors are required to clearly indicate the contributions of each coauthor to the research and manuscript preparation, ensuring transparency in authorship.
Peer Review Process Transparency. We maintain transparency in the peer review process by providing clear information about the review procedures, reviewer selection, and evaluation criteria.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure. Authors, reviewers, and editors are expected to disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could impact the impartiality and objectivity of the publication process.
Data and Methodology Transparency. Authors are encouraged to provide detailed information about the research methodology, data sources, and analysis techniques, allowing for the reproducibility of research findings.
Funding Transparency. Authors are required to acknowledge the sources of financial support for their research, providing transparency about funding contributions.
Corrections and Retractions Transparency. We are committed to promptly correcting errors or inaccuracies and retracting articles if necessary, maintaining transparency about corrective actions.
Editorial Policies Transparency. We provide comprehensive information about editorial policies, submission guidelines, and ethical standards, ensuring transparency in our operational practices.
Plagiarism Prevention Transparency. IJA3P employs plagiarism prevention software to maintain the integrity of published content and prevent unethical practices.
Accessibility and Archiving Transparency: We ensure that published content is archived and accessible for future reference, preserving the transparency of scholarly knowledge over time.
By adhering to these principles of transparency, The International Journal of Agribusiness, Agroindustry, Agrotourism, and Permaculture (IJA3P) strives to create a trustworthy and reliable platform for scholarly discourse, contributing to the advancement of knowledge and the ethical standards of academic publishing.
Violation of Publication Ethics
The International Journal of Agribusiness, Agroindustry, Agrotourism, and Permaculture (IJA3P) is committed to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics. Authors, reviewers, and editors are expected to adhere to ethical guidelines and principles throughout the publication process. Any violation of these ethics is taken seriously and may result in corrective actions as deemed appropriate by the journal's editorial board. Violations of publication ethics include, but are not limited to:
Plagiarism. Presenting another's work, ideas, or findings as one's own, whether in whole or in part, without proper attribution or citation.
Fabrication and Falsification. Manipulating research data, results, or findings to present false or fabricated information, leading to inaccurate or deceptive conclusions.
Multiple Submissions. Submitting the same manuscript to multiple journals simultaneously without appropriate notification or withdrawal from other submissions upon acceptance.
Authorship Misconduct. Including individuals as authors who have not made significant contributions to the research or excluding those who have substantially contributed.
Conflicts of Interest. Failing to disclose financial, personal, or professional conflicts of interest that could compromise the integrity and objectivity of the publication process.
Peer Review Misconduct. Providing biased, unprofessional, or misleading peer review feedback, or violating the confidentiality of the peer review process.
Failure to Comply with Ethical Guidelines. Disregarding ethical guidelines provided by IJA3P in terms of authorship, plagiarism, data sharing, conflicts of interest, and other ethical considerations.
Unethical Retractions or Corrections. Requesting unjustified retractions or corrections of published articles to manipulate the published record.
Failure to Report Errors. Neglecting to promptly inform the journal editor or publisher about significant errors or inaccuracies in published work.
The editorial board of IJA3P is committed to thoroughly investigating any reported violations of publication ethics. Appropriate actions will be taken, which may include retraction of the article, suspension of the author's submission privileges, notification of affiliated institutions, or other corrective measures as required. By addressing violations of publication ethics, we ensure the integrity and credibility of the research published in our journal and maintain the trust of our readers, authors, and stakeholders.
Handling Cases of Misconduct
The International Journal of Agribusiness, Agroindustry, Agrotourism, and Permaculture (IJA3P) takes cases of misconduct seriously and is committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and ethical behavior in scholarly publishing. When cases of misconduct are suspected or reported, the following procedures will be followed:
Initial Assessment. When a case of misconduct is suspected or reported, the editorial board will conduct an initial assessment to evaluate the nature and severity of the alleged misconduct.
Confidentiality. All investigations and proceedings related to suspected misconduct will be conducted with utmost confidentiality to protect the reputation and rights of all involved parties.
Informing Involved Parties. If the assessment reveals a legitimate concern, the corresponding author, reviewers, and any other parties involved will be informed and provided an opportunity to respond to the allegations.
Investigation. A thorough investigation will be carried out, involving careful examination of evidence and communication with relevant parties to determine the validity of the alleged misconduct.
Corrective Measures. If misconduct is confirmed, appropriate corrective actions will be taken. These may include but are not limited to article retraction, author sanctions, suspension of submission privileges, and notification of affiliated institutions.
Transparency. IJA3P will maintain transparency by clearly communicating any actions taken to address misconduct to the involved parties and, if necessary, to the journal's readership.
Reporting to Relevant Bodies. In cases of serious misconduct, such as plagiarism or data fabrication, the journal may report the incident to relevant institutions, organizations, or professional bodies.
Appeal Process. Authors or other involved parties who disagree with the findings of the investigation may appeal the decision by providing additional evidence or clarification.
IJA3P is committed to maintaining the credibility, transparency, and ethical standards of the journal. Cases of misconduct will be handled with diligence and fairness to ensure that the research published in our journal remains reliable and trustworthy. By addressing misconduct, we uphold the principles of responsible scholarly publishing and contribute to the advancement of knowledge with integrity.