• Fitriyah Universitas PGRI Palembang
  • Erfan Ramadhani Universitas PGRI Palembang
  • Syska Purnama Sari Universitas PGRI Palembang


The background of the research is the phenomenon of brave learning during the pandemic which has put students at a saturation point. Symptoms of boredom can also be seen in the students of SMA Negeri 9 Banyuasin where students do not understand learning so that it creates feelings and is sluggish in doing and collecting assignments. Short solution-focused counseling is expected to help students think about actions they can take from how to change the existing situation. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to test the effectiveness of solution-focused counseling using group counseling strategies to reduce students experiencing burnout while studying from home. The research method used is Pre-Experimental Design, in the form of one group pretest-posttest design. The research was conducted at SMA Negeri 9 Banyuasin, and the research population was class XI MIPA 1, and 5 people with the highest burnout scores were selected as research samples. Research data obtained using a questionnaire. The results showed that before students received brief solution-focused counseling, they were at a high burnout level, while after receiving counseling they were at a moderate burnout level. Short solution-focused counseling is proven to be effective in reducing student boredom. This is evidenced by statistical testing of Z count (2.032) > Z table (0.0202) and sig value (0.042) <0.05.


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